Lucky Cameras Camera setup
Lucky Cameras Camera setup
Lucky Cameras Camera setup
Lucky Cameras Camera setup

Get in touch

Welcome to Lucky Cameras BV, your go-to for high-end camera and lighting rentals in Belgium since 1983.

We understand your creative and technical needs and offer a wide range of top-tier camera and lighting equipment. Whether you're a seasoned cinematographer or a budding artist, we've got you covered.

Our dedicated team provides exceptional service, from technical support to logistics, ensuring your projects shine. Over the years, we've earned trust and loyalty in the industry, making us a leading choice for creative minds.

At Lucky Cameras BV, we're not just a rental company; we're your partner in bringing visions to life.

Discover the power of high-end gear and exceptional service with us.

Sphere business park

Doornveld 140-149,
1731 Zellik, Belgium

Opening hours

Monday to Friday

09:00 - 12:30

13:00 - 18:00

Weekend Closed